January 17, 2016

Rum Therapy

Lisa and I seem to have been posted up on Jost Van Dyke for the past week. Rented a little 10'x10' plywood shack on the beach in White Bay. For 60/nt. the place comes with mosquitos, a festive blue and yellow paint job, the sound of the surf, and one kitty.

The view every night

The other day we walked down the beach and sat in front of the Soggy Dollar bar. For two hours I stared at a French catboat, probably about a 95 footer, moored in the bay. Lovely turquoise water made her lines all the more elegant. Amazing boat, twice as big as all the other cats in the bay. I'm convinced that I need one now, but alas!

As the expected alternative for an unemployed river ranger, we rented a haggard assed old dinghy with an 18hp, 2 stroke, outboard. We christened her "Rum Therapy" because of the sticker on the bow. For some reason it made sense to me to try my hand at piloting a 10 foot dinghy across the high seas. It came with two of the most pathetic life jackets I've ever seen, a bent paddle, and an anchor. We took swim fins, and made a self rescue plan to take our beer and swim to shore, when Rum Therapy decided to go to the bottom! Lisa loyally boarded, and opened us a cold one while the ice lasted. We said a salute to our one year anniversary as we motored around Yost in 4 foot swells.
Without having to land in the surf we arrived at a little island called Sandy Spit that was about as big as our house. We spent the day chillin out on the beach, swam in the breakers, and went snorkeling to a beautiful reef wall. It rained for a few and made us cold for the first time since we left Utah, but neck deep sea water was warm and lovely, like everything else around.
At sunset the little two stroke fired on the first pull and, with a slow grind, got us back into Great Harbor before dark. We tied up Rum Therapy, thanked her for the spirit, and walked back over the dark hill to our beach hut. We made a dinner of fish and rice that some kid said looked like breakfast! So, apparently it wasn't too fancy, but dinner included a shitty bottle of champagne on a Caribbean beach, and we liked it!

Guess we're supposed to leave here in the mornin' after having spoiled the shit out of the rental kitty. We catch the 7am ferry to Tortola, then a cement barge of a ferry to St Thomas, for a flight to St Maarten, where we'll be for the next 3 weeks.

Phone dont ring, and text is outta bueno. Talk later....

Lisa & Mick

boat to Jost

Little Beach Cabin for a week

mosquito net...very important

White Bay from the road to Great Harbor 

Foxy's Tamarind

a marooned book

1st Anniversary on Sandy Spit

Rum Therapy...the boat

Navigating the High Seas

one bad kitty

Kenny Chesney wall at Ivan's

fresh squeezed early morning at the ferry dock

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