July 28, 2011

Lewis Peak

We had a half a day in town before flying to Seattle for a wedding.
It was way too pretty to spend in town so we got out the handy little Ogden trail guide that Weber Pathways has put together. Peaks are always nice and neither of us had been on Lewis peak so we thought we'd give it a try. The trail guide said the distance was 2.5 miles one-way, so we thought it'd be a quick hike. It was 5, or so, miles one-way from the North Ogden Divide, but who cares. It was a sweaty workout to the top of the switchbacks, then easy walking across the high and sunny open ridges of wild flowers and grasses. It's always beautiful to be high in the Wasatch on a summer day. I love that it's so close to town, and easy to go at a moments notice. We still had time to get home for a shower, and head to the airport.

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