January 1, 2009

West Desert - New Years Eve

Contemplating what to do for New Years Eve we headed for the West Desert. A loop trip that ended up being nearly 300 miles of dirt roads. The Pony Express trail around the south end of the Great Salt Lake, through Wendover, north along the Pilot Mtns. then east along the historic Transcontinental Railroad line, back to Ogden. I only got in a few pictures then realized that I didn't bring spare batteries. We camped out on the north end of the Fish Springs Mountains where there was plenty of ground with no snow cover. The views are what the West Desert is all about! The sunset and sunrise were no exceptions. What a way to ring in the new year.


Before heading out I checked on the weather (i.e. how much snow was on the ground) using the remote sensor stations that NOAA has scattered across the country. The accuracy of the remote sensors was spot on for the most part. Simpson Springs Pony Express Station.


 Trevor heading out across the yawning expanse.


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