December 23, 2008

Surviving Winter

This photo pretty much sums up this chapter.


Sometimes I think skiing has got to be the meaning of life. Below are a few pictures that I or friends have taken over the past several seasons. A few years ago I started telemark skiing. I thought I was addicted before, but the access that telemark has given me and the soulful nature of tele turns in deep snow has really thrown the addiction off the deep end. When the parking lot is full and the liftlines are just as crowded it's nice to grab a backpack and head out somewhere thats quiet and full of more freshies than one could ski in a lifetime let alone several hours. Ahhhh....the essence


In this video I'm trying to squeeze in one last line on this really neat aspect thats inbounds.


This is what we refer to as "the hundred acre wood" as in Winnie the Poo. One of the most amazing places in the world.


Lunch time in the backcountry.... Anja






Amazing last run of an amazing day between Park City and Heber City! One of my favorites about skiing the backcountry is the hike back out. I dig the work out. It's quiet and the turns are sweeter when they're earned.


 and the tranquility....


 Trevor and Eric hiking near Ben Lomond peak


 Trevor and I having a look over the edge


 ....and the view to our right of Willard peaks east face


 ......sometimes it's a long slog.....not getting back to the car until after dark.


 This is my job during winter and why I know what it's like inbounds at night.


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