August 25, 2014

Yellowstone - Shoshone Lake

We made a plan this summer to meet Lisa's parents at Yellowstone for some car camping and thought it'd be a swell time for a hike and a hitch back to the car. After a rainy, two night hike into Shoshone Lake we met them at Old Faithful Village then rode to DeLacy Creek Trailhead where we left the car. When the four of us got to Grant Village we set up a rainy campsite for a couple nights of cold camping. The next day topped out at 45 degrees which was a bit cool compared the 95 degree Utah we left behind.

my silly ballerina

Camp 8S3 - Shoshone Lake - night one

a soggy 8S3

steely grey morning - thank god for coffee!

Bluff Campsite 8R2

Descent into Old Faithful Village

Photo of the photographers

someone brought Doritos and Rainer

a vat of chili


coffee and fire

The Yellowstone!

Old Hotel at Lake Village

someone brought northwest wine

Snow last night!


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