September 23, 2012

Twin Peaks Wilderness

Don't look down

Lisa and I were kinda thinking it was time to bag a peak
before it snows so we set out for a trip up Broads Fork to the Saddle then to Twin Peak, one of the dominant peaks of the skyline above SLC. It was a beautiful walk through some changing colors, and up into the waste-land of rock below Twin, O'Sullivan, and Dromedary peaks, made desolate by avalanche during winter, and rock fall during summer.
The description I read online said something about some scrambling, but didn't mention 2,000 vertical worth of scrambling. The worst (or best) of it was just below the saddle. It was a fun challenge up and across beautiful Wasatch rock where steps had to be precise with accompanying hand-holds for long distances. It was also a big challenge to watch out for other people, above and below, such as the boyscout trip we encountered coming down from the saddle that was kicking off some serious rollers. Basketball sized rocks rolling and bouncing for 1,000 feet at times were fascinating to watch from a safe distance, of course.
It was sad to think that this was perhaps the last of summer high-country trips for 2012.

Dromedary and Sundial

Top of Tanner Gulch into L. Cottonwood

Twin Summit; 11,320'

L to R: Dromedary, O'Sullivan, Twin

Land of Rock

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