November 5, 2009

Celebrating October; 23 days afloat

October is my favorite time to be out and about for a few reasons. The fall colors are unbelievable, and the harsh summer sun is tilted to the south so the shadows are long; the light soft, even at mid-day. The two combined; color and light, make for beauty beyond compare. I've got other reasons that I'll keep to myself for now.

One thing I've enjoyed the opportunity to do is to combine a work trip with days off by beginning at Sandwash and continuing on downstream past Swaseys. This is one such trip I did where a few friends came to join me; Velma, Paul, Hugh Rose, Ali, Angela. We did this trip in late October, finishing at Hite Marina on Nov 5th. October in Utah can host beautiful warm days, cold and snow for days at a time. We got a little of both.

Lighthouse Rock

Below Green River

Below Tusher Dam

Across from Ft. Bottom

Below Tusher Dam

Extra coffee time at Mineral Bottom

Below Brown Betty

Mick, Ali, and Hugh enjoying G&T's below Brown Betty.

Beaches are beautiful, but left us vulnerable during a wind

Gathering firewood

Day 19: My aching hands!

After dinner hike in Stillwater Canyon

Floating past Swaseys is a novelty

Velma checking "river mail"

...makes me think of October at Dripping Springs

Above Tusher Dam

my friend Hugh Rose

between Big Drop 2 & 3,  looking upstream

original Hite boatramp take-out (yellow)  

Hite, Utah: Nov. 5th, 65 degrees

Day 23: Going to town.

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